My Dream Wedding
August 29th
My dream wedding was on August 29th. The original date was May 30th but with the pandemic we decided to push the ceremony to August.
The day was long, tiring but absolutely beautiful!!!!!
I always knew I wanted to be married, I just was not sure when it would happen. I always knew weddings were expensive.
I am a SAVER. I may not be the best at alot of things BUT I know how to save money. As soon as I was engaged, I shifted my mindset and my money.
My savings goals shifted; I decided to open an account specifically for all wedding related expenses. From there, I had a budget set and began researching venues.
I saved as much as I could as often as I could. We gave ourselves a year to save up the money and made sure we had money for any last minute expenses which was SO helpful.
As I was researching, I realized how wedding cost could quickly ruin a budget if you’re not careful. I was determined to stick with my budget although 'i’d heard from others that it was impossible.
I chose 3 things that were important to me (my dress, the venue, my pictures) and splurged there. The things that I didn’t really care too much about ( cake, alcohol, flowers) didn’t get much of my money.
This was a GAME CHANGER for my budget.
Many venues had restrictions on guest counts which worked in my favor as well. I was not happy about this because there were so many people who I wanted to be there.
My wedding was absolutely beautiful and I wouldn’t have done a thing different looking back.
Don’t go into debt over a wedding. SAVE as much as you can to have the wedding of your dreams. There is nothing wrong with having a wedding you can afford on a budget.